2023 Garden Competition Winners & Photos

Area Map

Best Overall

Best Overall Garden

Jean & Russ Walsh

10 Whitwell Place

Best Overall Container

Red Parrot Restaurant

348 Thames Street

Area 1

Residential Awards - Area 1


Karen Capraro

31 Poplar Street


Mary Ann & Harry Barkerding

6 Pine Street 


Kathy Meyer

106 Evarts

Honorable Mention

Ann McMahon

7 Gurney Court

Alicia McGowan

12 Sunshine Court

Jim Sullivan

16 Peckham Avenue

Lisa Elliott

5 Sycamore Street

Claire Taylor- Quarry

5 LaSalle Place

Mel & Terry Horan

6 Peckham Avenue

Marcia Meirowitz

27 Newport Avenue

Belinda Mattson

52 Callender Street 

Merry Preston

25 Walnut Street

Jane Cavazza

47 Bedlow Avenue 

Christine Cotsoridis

56 Bedlow Avenue –

Len DeAngelis

5 Bedlow Place

Ken Petrie

14 Summer Street

Kathy Watts

11 Gould Steet

Betty Laurin

126 Beacon Street

Container Awards - Area 1


Stephanie Osterborg

7 Second Street


Maureen & Bob Zeigler

32 Prescott Hall


Leonard Calandra & Johan van Aswegan

10 Johnson Court

Honorable Mention

Paul & Ginny Gilman

58 Poplar Street

Carole Maloney

25 Burdick Avenue

Susan Ryan

15 Summer Street

Sarah Frost

12 Third Street

Kat Welsh

18 Bedlow Avenue

Melissa Butler

5 Johnson Court

Pat Ludwig

65 Third Street

Susan & Bill Farrell

5- 7 Poplar Street

Robin Pearson

57 Kingston

Scott Rivkees

67 Third Street

Sue Pashko, Bill Cooper, Allison Cohen

42 Second St

Jillian Pearson

14 Thurston Ave

Martha Ferris

21 Greene Ave

Pauline Perkins

24 Burnside Avenue

Newcomer Award - Area 1

Pilar Brenner

62 Bridge Street

Area 2

Residential Awards - Area 2


Megan Kelly

10 Robinson Street


Kristin Stashenko

17 Bliss Road


Paul Scodari

32 Kay Street

Honorable Mention

Allen McCoy

84 Kay Street

Colleen Hastings

21 Ayrault Street

Richard Amundson

6 Calvert Street

Cynthia Merrill

2 Marin Street

Scott Geigerich

32 School Street

Teri Degnan

38 Mann Avenue

Amy Sherman

20 Sherman Street

Leslie Hogan

128 Prospect Hill

Philomena Delahanty

25 Caswell Ave

Emily McMurray

16 Mount Vernon Street

Jemison Faust

6 Bush Street

Container Awards - Area 2


David Kent

19 Ellery Road


Laura Glazier

42 Rhode Island Avenue


Stephanie Szneke

11 Everett Street

Honorable Mention

Brittany Decker

12 Cranston Avenue

Deborah Lennon

17 Calvert Street

Donna & Robert Boulay

59 Kay Street

Hilary Fearon White

22 Sherman Street

Dan Drake

17 John Street

Holly Murphy

32 School Street Condo 1

Leanne DePaul

45 Kay Street

Newcomer Award - Area 2

Shrishti Ganguly

10 Cranston Avenue

Area 3

Residential Awards - Area 3


Mark Sutherland

68 Clinton Street Unit 2


Hilary Byrne

65 Ruggles Avenue


Traci Galpen

608 Thames Street


Linda Vacchione

24 Atlantic Avenue

Honorable Mention

Tami Mullins

1 A Slocum Street

Amy Lucksinger

11 Morgan Street

Gregory Diaz

607 Thames Street

Audrey – Jean Emerson

29 Berkeley Avenue

Caroline & Anselm Richards

6 Binney Street

Sharon Evans in Memory of Diane Evans

17 Grafton 

 Terry Clark

616 Thames Street Apt #1

Ellen Michael

141 Carroll Avenue

Container Awards - Area 3


Janet Fatulli

14 Dresser Street


Marion Maroney

13 Coddington Wharf


The Bateman Family

9 Carroll Avenue

Honorable Mention

Nina Kaull

53 Lee Avenue

Daniel McGregor

4 Cliff Road

Dan & Jamie Vara

43 Lee Avenue

Kristina Feinen

26 Thomas Street

Patty Martin

11 Eastnor

Bill Rives

66 William Street

Robert Smith

9 Carey Street

Newcomer Award - Area 3

Trish & Gerard DiRuggiero

3 Vanderbilt Avenue

Large Garden - All Areas


Barbara O’Neill

11 Garfield Street 


Ruth Lynn & Jay Butler

136 Evarts Street


Deborah Winthrop

49 Bateman Avenue


Colleen McGrath

46 Eastnor Road

Honorable Mention

Nancy Oliveira

38 Holton Avenue

Maryann & Bob Cross

9 Pennacook Street

Barbara Coleman

4 Armstrong Place

Paul Ambrosino, Maggie Tully and Hera Tar

58 Second Street

Rebecca Kelly

15 Johnson Court

John M. Carroll Jr.

26 Boughton Road

Lisa Stuart

107 Washington Street

Lisa Arrowood

43 ½ Elm Street

Marge Caswell

19 Slocum

Newcomer Award - Large Garden

Doreen Al- Hamdouni

32 Castle Hill Avenue

Family & Senior Housing



Cheryl & Chris Settle

179 Park Holm


Gerry Starks

197 Park Holm


Ed Delehanty

28A Earl Avenue

Honorable Mention

Egbertina Olsson

38 B Earl Avenue 

Elizabeth LaParle

4 – 1 Sgt Weidemann Street



Ian Shepherd

32B Earl Avenue


Cynthia Moreino

236 Maple Ave #2


Becky Marley

173 Truman Road

Honorable Mention

Johanna Ortiz

25 Sunset Boulevard

Small Business


Loeb Visitor’s Center
52 Spring St

Maude Weisser


Hibernian Hall
2 Wellington Ave 

Stephen Turcotte


99 Spring Street 

Lisa Cinquegrana


468 Thames Street 

Amy Larson


Thames Street Kitchen
509 Thames Street 

Somer Puzzo

Honorable Mention

Innovate Newport
513 Broadway 

Kevin Buck

200 Broadway 

Kristen Mashaw

Frank Antonio Newport
22 Bellevue Avenue 

Frank Antonio

CK Bradley
182 Bellevue Avenue 

Leah Poole

196 Bellevue Avenue

Ann Trapp

Michael Hayes
204 Bellevue 

Rachel Grady

Newport Public Library
300 Spring St

Seaside Garden Club (Jean Wood)

Almondy Inn
25 Pelham Street 

John Prefer

Kiel James Patrick Flagship Store
3 Bowens Wharf 

Britney Curry

The Landing
30 Bowen’s Wharf 

Pilar Brenner

The Lobster Bar 
31 Bowen’s Wharf 

Pilar Brenner

528 Thames Street 

Pilar Brenner

Community Plantings


Newport Housing Authority
19 Chapel Street 

Rebecca Allen


Jesus Saviour Church
1 Vernon Ave 

Rev Hiep Nguyen & Rosemary Medeiros


Newport Police Department
120 Broadway 

Ian McGregor

Honorable Mention

77 Memorial Boulevard/
South Rhode Island Ave

 Karen Deibert